Regular Dental Check-Ups

At the office of Dr. Brent Porter D.D.S., your Santa Cruz Pediatric Dentist, a dental check-up is recommended every 6 months to help in the prevention and early detection of cavities. Regular dental examinations can detect decay on your child’s teeth before they progress and eventually result in pain. It is important to take steps to prevent tooth decay so that children can effectively chew their food, develop clear speech, and maintain an appropriate spot in the mouth for their permanent teeth to erupt. Ultimately, a regular dental check-up is important to help keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy.

What to expect at your child’s dental visit?

Your child’s regular dental visit or check-up includes the following:

  • An examination given by Dr. Brent J. Porter D.D.S.
  • An oral prophylaxis or cleaning
  • An application of topical fluoride to strengthen the enamel of the teeth  Verbal and written toothbrush and flossing instructions

During the cleaning, any plaque buildup or tartar (hardened plaque) is removed. When tartar hardens, it becomes even more difficult to remove on your own. If untreated, this can quickly lead to cavities and gum inflammation.

After your cleaning, Dr. Porter will conduct a thorough examination, checking for cavities or other oral problems. With proper home care and regular dental check-ups there is a good chance that cavities can be prevented and hopefully minimized throughout the course of your child’s life.

Dental X-rays Important for Diagnosis

Dental x-rays are another important part of a regular dental visit. X-rays can show Dr. Porter any decay that might be starting in between your child’s teeth that are not visible by an oral examination only. Surprisingly, not all dental problems involve a toothache. The goal of our Team is to identify cavities early and prevent a toothache!

Dental x-rays are used to take pictures of the teeth, gums, and bones. An x-ray allows Dr. Porter to see the tooth in a way that he can’t see through simple visual inspection. It allows him to see in between the teeth where often decay begins. Finding the start of decay in between teeth by x-ray can help in the recommendation of a more thorough home care routine (ie. Flossing) to help keep future cavities at a minimum. Sometimes the biggest problems go undetected, and by the time they become painful, the damage is more extensive and expensive

Growth and Development of the Mouth

With a thorough examination, Dr. Porter will determine if your child’s teeth and jaw relationship, which includes crowding and overbite, are developing normally. He will monitor your child developing mouth to watch for any missing or twisted teeth. By taking periodic x- rays he can help determine if teeth have shifted due to an uneven bite or jaw problems. He will also follow your child’s wisdom teeth eruption and prepare for possible impaction of them.

Comfort and Confidence

Bringing your child to the dentist twice a year from an early age, gets them comfortable with the dental environment. Your child will look forward to coming to Dr. Porter’s office because we make it fun and educational. Your child will feel comfort and build confidence in coming to the dentist, leading to stress-free visits in the future. Above all, these visits teach your child the importance of lifelong healthy oral care habits.

Please contact our friendly team today if you have questions or would like to schedule a visit with Brent J. Porter D.D.S., your Santa Cruz Pediatric Dentist at (831) 459-9802, we look forward in hearing from you!